Modern corsets

Modern corsets

Observed under the view of historical corsets certain design-details of so called 'modern' corsets, under the aspects of economic manufacturing and standardization, got simplified or got completely lost. In contrary to that, new design-details got added to modern corsets of today, which had been never asked in the past. The reason is that the corset of former times was never seen as a decorative, presentable part of a dress.

Corsets and fashion - A change in mind

Corsets and fashion - A change in mind

The comeback of corsets in today's fashion-shows is mainly explained rather by the fact that a new 'old' sense of content was revived, something the french people call 'presence', that means an impression of a magnificent appearance and that is also able to hold its attention for the duration of the event.

Covered interests - Crossdressing

Covered interests - Crossdressing

The charm and fascination of this theme can be seen first hand in the opportunity to shape the masculine body with desired feminine attributes. It is obviously self-explaining that on this background a long corset with cups and shoulder-straps gives some remarkable advantages versus a normal under- or overbust model. Additional with this corset-stile the most remarkable feminine attribute of a more or less accentuated waist-hip-ratio can be realized

Long-term effects of Tightlacing

Long-term effects of Tightlacing

Many may hope, that the physiological bodyalteration can be permanent without wearing a corset. Unfurtunately this is a hope in vain. A  permanence of the desired silhouette without the corset is unrealizable.

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article thumbnail Corset with Bra (Cups)

Opposite to conventional Overbust-Corsets corsets with cups (that means: with integrated bra) offer some clear advantages

Thus an integrated Bra offers the advantage, that a large bossom experiences the necessary support, while in case of a small bossom a 'Push-up'-effect can be made possible. Moreover a complete bust-simulation is also realizable.

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article thumbnail Hidden interests - Crossdressing, TV and Transgender

Sometimes men also like the feeling of beeing enclosed. Sometimes with, sometimes without urge for female body shape. The appeal of this issue results in the demonstration of a reinforced self-conciousness, but sometimes also to give feminine attributes to the masculine body.

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article thumbnailBodice or Rokoko-Corset (balleine)

The Bodice, also known as rococo-corset is a halfbust-corset. It usually formes the upper body rather than the waist and has its impact on the female chest. It raises the decollete but keeps it flat at the same time.

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article thumbnailVictorian halfbust-corset 'Heather'

The shown Halfbust-corset is a replica of a survived original corset, which was designed and manufactured around 1890. As usual in the 1890's, the original corset had been designed for whalebone stiffeners. Whalebone stiffeners are nowadays not any more available, so they were replaced by metal-rods and implemented into the replica accordingly.

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article thumbnailVictorian Corset 'Crystal'

Die Darstellung zeigt das Halbbrust-Korsett 'Crystal' im Viktorianischen Stil, welches im Schnitt und der Stangenführung einer Originalvorlage nachempfunden wurde.
Abweichend vom Original ist in dem dargestellten Korsett zur Ehöhung des Tragekomforts eine Unterplanchette eingearbeitet. 

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article thumbnailVictorian Corset at 1890 'Jasmin' (Corset-Replika)

The picture at the right shows a replica of a corset originated in the late 80th of the 19. century. The top-layer of this corset was made originally with fabric of black silken satin and the inner layer of light-weight cotton-gabardine.

The corset-model 'Jasmin' is a precise Remake in cut- and line-shape, down to the details.


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Decorative Layers

Silk, brocade, satin, leather and vinyl.

All corsets shown on these pages are available with the usual materials as silk, brocade, satin and leather or vinyl. These materials are used specifically for the decorative layer, while the inner-layer of the corsets is made from heavy twill to support the body forming strength. If desired, an additional inner silken lining is possible also.






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