


Bespoken taylored corsetUnder this label corsets and clothes are drafted, designed and manufactured primarily for corset-enthusiasts, seeing their corset not only as a secret undergarment, but want to support also the re-establishing of corsets as standard part of daily worn informal dresses as well as base-garment for formal wardrobes. In so far, my main-objective is to harmonize the corset and the related clothes to each other in best way. It’s my top priority to match your individual wishes in respect to stile, material and design-details with the technical needs for best results.


Of course, normal undergarments as 'corsets' for Ladies as well as for Gentlemen are part of the general theme. Under all circumstances your individual wishes and given body-shapes will be reflected and considered.


According to those with a pretension for a more fetish and/or erotic oriented note, I'm prepared to fulfil your expectations with nearly no limits.



Based on this background all the information with these pages should demonstrate preliminarily the large variety of ideas and the different possibilities how to realize your wishes. In so far, you should not see the pictures and drawings as a kind of catalogue, but as a general overview on my personal performance and efficiency. In most cases, the shown products are to be seen as an On-time-manufactured part", a so called "Unicate", which is designed and manufactured to specific customer oriented data. But this does not mean that, in case of your special interest, there is no possibility to duplicate it according your personal ideas and wishes and adapt it to your needs. A 'Standard-Collection' of corsets is in preparation. But in this case of needs only related corset-graphics are available today and linkable.

My studio is located in Cornberg - that is nearby to Bad Hersfeld and Eschwege - just where Cornberg has its nicest part …. at Rockensüß.

Sufficient space and a lovely ambiance are available in the studio and so a kindly familiarity, appropriate to the theme, is arranged for corset-enthusiasts as well as novices.






The remarkable perception of John Ruskin, concerning the text on top of this page, is not quoted completely. Completed, and specifically in relation to the maintopic of this Homepage, the text is as follows:

"There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person's lawful prey.

It is unwise to pay too much, but it is also unwise to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything because the thing you bought is incapable of doing the thing you bought it to do.

The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot... It can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better."

- John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)